Elevate every sales engagement with insight, at a scale.

Bella is a personal AI sales teammate that conducts in-depth research on your prospects, uncovers insights that qualify and move deals forward, and engages your prospects with individualised communications across LinkedIn, email and cold-call guidance.

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A personal AI BDR at a fraction of the cost

Enable Bella with your sales information and watch as she uncovers insights, proposes strategies and engages your prospects

In-depth prospect research

Bella researches everything there is to know about your prospects profiles, social media activity, their company and news across various data sources, with more planned in the pipeline.

Uncover insights that shorten your deal cycle

Bella qualifies your target accounts and creates a digital model of their organisation by mapping their strategies, structures, skillsets and creating psychological profiles of key prospects and more.


Bella generates custom value propositions and engages one-on-one with your ideal customers with insightful, individualised content on LinkedIn, email and through cold call guidance.

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